Writing, language and publication support for academics
Clients & Testimonials
Over the years I've worked with clients from the following institutions.
- Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, Spain
- Ceit-IK4, Spain
- Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
- Radboud University, Netherlands
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
- Skoltech, Russia
- Tecnun Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Spain
- Universidad de Deusto, Spain
- Universidad de Málaga, Spain
- Universidad de Navarra, Spain
- Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, Spain
- Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
- Universität Bielefeld, Germany
- Universität zu Köln, Germany
- Université de Toulouse, France
- University of Dundee, UK
- University Studies Abroad Consortium, US
"It was great working with Wendy because she understood what we wanted to say. She is totally proficent in Spanish and English and she can give us the best advice in either language. At university we have to publish in English if we want to be read, but one of the hardest things to do is to convey all the ideas we have in an academically proper language. Sometimes our ideas are not well written because we do not have them clear in our minds, so translating is a tool for thinking and Wendy makes sure the language (as well as the ideas) flow in a smooth way. She always asks the questions that make not only your article but your ideas go further..." —Asunción Martínez Arbelaiz, University Studies Abroad Consortium
"Wendy's editing work goes beyond editing and proofreading. She's also a reviewer of content, eloquence and relevance! Her contributions to our papers have been invaluable as she is a true editing professional." —Rodrigo Romero-Silva, Assistant Professor, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City
"I have worked in tandem, as a voice coach, with Wendy on a number of presentations. Her combination of linguistic knowledge and ability to engage with people results in their finding a clear, meaningful expression of their content within a strong structure, which they can then deliver effectively. I strongly recommend her and her work." —Madeleine Cannon, voice and communication coach
"El dominio de Wendy de la gramática inglesa (tanto británica como americana) y del vocabulario profesional hace que nuestro primer draft escrito en inglés de un paper, libro, informe o página web gane coherencia y profesionalidad hasta convertirse en un documento publicable." —Javier Santos, Director del Máster en Dirección de Producción, Tecnun-Universidad de Navarra
"I have been using the editing services of Linguaverse to improve my papers. I found in Wendy a true commitment, she does not only check the English tenses but she also gets involved in the text. She makes an effort to understand what is written and why in order to improve the paper. In the end, I also improve my writing. Therefore, I am very grateful for her services, she's helped me a lot." —Federico Ibanez, Ceit-IK4
"Wendy me ha revisado varios textos y he percibido su dedicación y compromiso por el trabajo bien hecho cuando, además de corregir los errores gramaticales que he podido cometer, me ha propuesto mejores alternativas gramaticales y de vocabulario a párrafos que eran correctos y me ha añadido pequeñas lecciones de inglés donde me explicaba la parte de la gramática donde había fallado. Además, siempre ha cumplido con los plazos de entrega acordados (normalmente plazos relativamente cortos) y siempre se ha mostrado abierta a contestar pequeñas dudas relativas a las correcciones realizadas y a los comentarios añadidos. Todo siempre en un ambiente cercano y de confianza." —Jorge Aramburu, Tecnun-Universidad de Navarra